Ecclesiastical Articles of Incorporation

Following are excerpts from the Articles of Incorporation that is information presented as a good faith disclosure as a WORLDWIDE PUBLIC NOTICE to any and all parties of interest in the matter of Serenity Bound Society or Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, a Corporation Sole:

With a sincere desire to establish a Treaty of Peaceful Coexistence
with The Good and Sovereign People of the State of Nevada1,
and indeed the people of all the world, the following

Articles of Incorporation
in the form of this
Affidavit of Truth and Fact

are presented as a good faith disclosure and lawful Public Notice to all foreign jurisdictions
of the incorporation of an ecclesiastical corporation sole known commonly as

Overseer of
 a Corporation Sole.

When, in the course of human enlightenment, a man or woman becomes aware of their Divine Nature and accepts their role in the Divine Plan, it becomes necessary for them to share that understanding with all of Creation. The Creator charged the first man and the first woman with the responsibility to Oversee the Work of Creation.2.  Part of that original Order was to teach those Principles that would assure that the Creation, including the man and woman, would not only be preserved but would flourish in peace, harmony and abundance.

Throughout history, most of humanity has forsaken that charge to care for, tend and Oversee the Creation. Certain individuals, by Divine Inspiration, have incarnated to accept that Order and its attendant authority within its corporation sole structure to Oversee the Creation. They are born into their ministry and upon enlightenment to their Divine Role, they accept that Original Charge of the Creator; their consecration and authority of office predates any institutions of man.

Therefore, be it understood that this is a Notice of Prior Existence and is not a petition to any government of man for the permission to exist or function. But rather it is a statement before all mankind that I, Marie Stancer™ have accepted the Divine Charge to conduct the affairs of the Overseer of a sacred mission and ministry in the service of humanity and all of Creation3.

However, whereas it being a universal presumption of governments as having controlling jurisdiction in all matters, when one becomes aware of one’s Divine and Natural state of being in a State of Humanity within Creation, and of one’s divine calling and obligation to one’s Source, one’s Creator alone, to the exclusion of all others, it then becomes necessary to address and rebut those presumptions of the governments of men4.

Caveat: Legal and scriptural references cited herein are provided for the understanding of the parties and such, reference does not  create any fealty over this Corporation Sole, nor the natural man, Marie Stancer™.

1.  Constitution of Nevada. Article 1, § 2, all political power is inherent in the people. ( i.e. the People are the government).
2.  Genesis 2:15, This is the first appointment of an office of authority in a corporation sole format in recorded history.
3. It is unlawful for the State of Nevada or any State to incorporate a church. The Great Charter of the Liberties of England, Canada and the United States of America, regarding the establishment and free exercise of the Claim of Liberty, recognize that this Corporation Sole is not, and cannot be, a creation of the State of Nevada or any other State, Province or Territory. The filing of this Affidavit as Public Notice is for notification only of this lawful office as an Emissary of the Sovereign Creator.
4. As it is written: “…we ought to obey God rather than man.” Acts 5:29; and “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other…” Matt: 6:24

The founding fathers of the united States of America, being rightfully distrustful of any form of
government, provided for the protection of one’s philosophy and practice from any interference from any State in the First Article of the Bill of Rights as the First Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America wherein it clearly states: “Congress shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” (Emphasis added).

Further, the Canadian Constitution Act of 1982 at Part I Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God. Likewise, the Constitution of the State of Nevada echoes those same concepts of Freedom that are now universally accepted as a basic tenet of truth.

A matter must be expressed to be resolved. In Law Truth is Sovereign. Truth is expressed in the form of an Affidavit. An un-rebutted Affidavit stands as Truth in Law. An un-rebutted Affidavit becomes the judgment in the matter. Whereas the Public Record is the highest form of evidence, this declaration, affirmed under Oath as this verified and non-negotiable Affidavit of Truth and Fact, shall constitute Public Record when served upon the Resident Agent as an agent of the Secretary of State of the State of Nevada, itself an agent of the corporate UNITED STATES.   

Instrument of Recognition

Be it known to all men by these presents that, I, Marie StancerTM, the undersigned minister, am the qualified, appointed and ordained officer, Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, a Corporation Sole.  Being thus ordained, I am the present possessor of this Office in an ancient line of Overseers, and in accordance with the Disciplines of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, which is an unincorporated spiritual assembly, I do hereby present this Affidavit as an “Instrument of Recognition” which notifies The Good and Sovereign People of Nevada et al, as principals and/or as agents of the UNITED STATES, of the peaceful intentions and prior existence and absolute sovereignty of Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY,  a Corporation Sole as an Ecclesiastical Body Politic and an International Religious Entity. By filing this Affidavit into the Public Record, I, and every Successor in Office by the same title, do declare the prior creation and establishment of this Ecclesiastical Corporation Sole, a body politic, with continuous perpetual succession.

A certified copy of this Instrument is available for viewing by parties of interest who may contact the Registered Agent specified below in that regard. Portions of this document are also viewable on the Internet at:


DISCIPLINE I: Official Name5.

The official name of the office, a Corporation Sole, is:

Overseer of
a Corporation Sole

5. For clarification, SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY is an unincorporated church and spiritual assembly. Capitalization of the name SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY as used herein is for clarity only and not to identify it as an incorporated body. The Overseer, as a Corporation Sole, directs and manages the mission of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY.

DISCIPLINE II: Mailing Location for Notices is Resident Agent


Using a Nevada Registered Agent to receive Legal Notice in regard to all matters of this Corporation Sole and this Affidavit does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it alter my Natural In-Law Status, in any manner.  The only purpose for using this Registered Agent is to provide the convenience of a permanent mailing location for receiving Notices and to act as the Repository of this Affidavit for review by any party of interest and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction. In all matters the Corporation Sole remains sovereign.

Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, a Corporation Sole has appointed as its representative to receive Legal Notice, Corporate Administrative Services, Inc., located at 1955 Baring Boulevard Sparks, Nevada (89434). Said address shall also serve as the address of record for post concerning Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, a Corporation Sole.

DISCIPLINE VIII: Evidence of Corporate Existence

These Articles of Incorporation and a certified copy thereof, served upon the Registered Agent as an agent of the STATE OF NEVADA, who shall also serve as its repository, and a Legal Notice filed in a publication of general circulation and on the Internet, shall constitute “evidence” to all other organizations, governmental agencies and all other entities of any kind worldwide, of the prior and perpetual existence of Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, a Corporation Sole.


SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY requires that the Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY profess a Vow of Silence and a Vow of Poverty. The Vow of Silence is between the Overseer, the outside world, and the private members dealing in secular and spiritual relationships, paperwork, law, and equity. The Vow of Poverty is between the Overseer and the Creator.
These solemn and sacred Vows, although they may have been previously verbally professed, must be recorded in written form by the Overseer upon acceptance of the Office of Overseer.

Each Holder of Office affirms acceptance of, and agrees to be bound by these Vows until death. These Vows are sacred and inviolate and must not be abrogated in any manner whatsoever by anyone or any jurisdiction. The vows are here included for the benefit of the Public Record.

Solemn and Sacred Vow of Silence

I, Marie Stancer™, being of sound mind, by prior spoken vow, hereby re-affirm my Vow of Silence whereby any information conveyed to me regarding the members of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY shall not be disclosed to any third party without the written permission of the member to whom such private information pertains.

Further, no document, record, bank account, or any other information pertaining to the internal affairs, or any activities or operations of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY or the Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, a Corporation Sole shall be disclosed to any third party, except, if in the sole and absolute discretion of the Overseer that such information may be disclosed to further the mission and work of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY. In such an instance, the information is provided as Confidential Information and does not nullify this Vow of Silence in regard to all other Private Information or create any fealty or jurisdiction over the Overseer who Reserves All Rights.

This, I, Marie Stancer™, pledge, declare, and affirm before the Source of All That Is, and accordingly do hereby and hereunto include the fact thereof into the public record.

Solemn and Sacred Vow of Poverty

I, Marie Stancer™, being of sound mind, hereby, give freely, by the principle known as the Law of Consecration, all property and personal possessions to SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, it being a philosophical, free assembly in the nature of Ecclesia, for the performing of the purpose and mission of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY.  All property, real and personal, is hereby assigned and transferred and irrevocably conveyed, to be held in trust by Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, a Corporation Sole for the benefit of the mission and ministry.

I hereby, forever choose to accept the principle of self-denial, by renouncing the right to personal ownership of all worldly possessions regardless of form, kind and nature. This philosophy is in conformance with Natural Law and the example given to the first man and the first woman. Their charge was to tend the garden, not to own it. They were given the charge to manage, protect, cultivate and oversee the resource for their own sustenance and that of the other creatures of the earth with which they shared the garden. From dust we are and to dust we shall return.

We are of this Earth and akin to all things upon it, not owners of it. Ours is only to manage the resources for the Source of All That Is. This relationship of the man and woman to Source and the Creation is the genesis of the corporation sole and the inherent authority therein and predates and supersedes any institutions, codes or laws of man.

Therefore, all my foregoing rights to labor, possessions, and earnings herein and henceforth are conveyed to and belong to SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, and shall be regarded as such, whether they may continue to appear in my personal name or in the name of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY or any of its acquired agencies or enterprises or funding activities.

Therefore, I hereby assign all of my interest in all bank accounts, stock accounts, interest accounts, investment accounts, retirement accounts and all credit, debit and ATM cards to be used for the work of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY for whatever purpose.  Henceforth, the Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY will make all payments on such loans and credit cards.

Further, I understand that, divested of all worldly possessions, I, as a Minister of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, dedicate the use of my talents, labor, leisure and life as a conveyance for the advancement of the purposes, principles and teachings of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY.

Further, I, as a Minister of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, may be required to labor in activities in the secular business world for funding the continuance of my work and mission as directed in my ordination and appointment by ecclesiastical elders. However, my activities are not considered as “trade or business.”

Further, I understand that remuneration received by me when conducting the affairs, performing rites and services, volunteer work or laboring in the general public or in private, is not my personal earnings, but are the funds of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY whether such earnings appear in my name or not and as such are exempt from claim by any taxing authority.

Moreover, in and for Consideration of my worldly possessions that I have gifted and conveyed to SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, and for my service and loyalty thereto, I understand that henceforth, for the length of my days upon this Earth, SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY and its Overseer and Successors shall provide for all my earthly needs.

Therefore, I, Marie Stancer™, being of sound mind and of lawful age to do so, reaffirm this Vow of Poverty for the Public Record and affirm before The Universal Creator that I have taken and accepted this Vow of Poverty as my own deed of freewill and to be bound by it for the remainder of my days upon this Earth.

DISCIPLINE XIV: Personal Status of Marie Stancer™

I Am that I Am, born to this Earth, into this incarnation as Marie6. and presently identified as the natural person Marie Stancer being of sound mind and of lawful age, unschooled in the law and not having nor needing any attorney, having personal knowledge of the facts stated herein and being competent to testify to them, reserving all of my unalienable rights, I declare:

I am a living, conscious soul, a natural woman, living, laboring, and traveling upon the Land, a Natural Law venue. My rights were granted by The Source of All That Is, the Universal Creator, and not by any Constitution or any other institutions of men, as I am not a party thereto. I am not the office, nor the federal, statutory, juristic person, MARIE STANCER or any derivation of that fiction and I provide no surety nor accept any liability therefor, nor am I a “res” of any trust of any kind and am not subject to any “in rem” proceedings or actions of any corporate government or its agencies.

I declare that I am of this Earth, therefore I am a global being and I am not subject to any nationalistic state7.. I am not a U.S. or Canadian citizen, vessel, federal person, individual, or taxpayer as defined by any statute or code of the UNITED STATES or CANADA, or any State or Province, Territory thereof, nor am I a subject to/of any Crown nor to the Holy See. Nor am I a citizen, resident or employee of any incorporated State or any municipal corporations.

I am, in fact, a stateless natural person7. Having retracted any allegiance to the corporation, CANADA et al or any political State, state, Province, or Territory, I declare that my only allegiance is to the Eternal Source from whence I came.

Further, I declare that I am not an enemy of the State or of any state, and I do not promote sedition or the overthrow of any government. I am not a foreign spy or terrorist nor a tax protestor or a patriot. I am simply a Private, Neutral and Free Woman Upon the Land living in accord with the most basic doctrines of Freedom.

As a stateless natural person I am an internationally protected person having certain immunities and protections pursuant to International Treaty Law, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights as adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948, the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons (1973), and if found traveling in the United States, per Title 18, Part I, Chapter 7, § 112 of the United States Code and any corresponding Canadian codes.

6. This is not a name, but my absolute private birthright property; Black’s Law Dictionary defines “name” as, “…an individual person, firm or corporation;” legal fictions; "...a Sovereign is not a person.” United Mine Workers v United States, 330 U.S. 258.

7. Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted 10 December 1948 by the United Nations.  Conversely, by virtue of conscientious objection, statelessness can also be, by natural right, a valid choice whereby one may decline citizenship in any established nationality.

Jurisdiction over me must be established by Affidavit, declaring point by point the details of any alleged violation of rights or injury, and sworn upon the unlimited personal liability of the flesh and blood Injured Party signer and sufficiently bonded by lawful gold or silver money of the united States of America or Canada. Anything less will be considered a Trespass.

I have never knowingly entered into any contract with any agent or any agency of any government, whereby I knowingly and intentionally waived subject matter/persona jurisdiction or my rights to full and complete disclosure in any contract including the full disclosure of the venue thereof. It was never disclosed to me that contracting with any government is a voluntary act and not a requirement of Law. Without full and complete disclosure by all parties, a contract is Null and Void ab initio and has no power in Law.

I emphatically state for absolute clarity and understanding by all parties that any perceived “compliance” on my part with such “adhesion” contracts of government at any level, is performance under protest, threat, and duress as I am left without recourse.

Therefore, I refuse any liability for any compelled, assumed or actual benefits received by me because of such implied and coerced contracts, agreements or licenses. However, I will accept the benefits thereof, past, present and future, as partial reparation for the loss of my personal freedoms and property because of entrapment by such contracts and agreements.

I am, therefore, free of any and all obligations and am able to carry out the duties of Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, a Corporation Sole, to teach its philosophies and bring to fruition the object of its endeavors and to protect, conserve and develop the assets and resources that have been or may be placed in my care and charge.

DISCIPLINE XV: Entire Notice and Demand for Lawful Rebuttal

Unless rebutted with Positive Law, upon the passing of ninety calendar days from the date of service upon the Resident Agent, this Public Notice shall constitute a finalized, ratified, and sealed Treaty of Peaceful Coexistence, by and between Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY, a Corporation Sole and The Good and Sovereign People of the State of Nevada, in Original Jurisdiction, and is inviolate against any and every aspect, agency, representative, employee, real party in interest, real party of interest, and principal of this state or any State. Said contract replaces and supersedes any and all other contracts, agreements, and understandings, i.e. all oral, written, express, implied, revealed, and un-revealed contracts, licenses, agreements, and presumptions thereof; and nullifies all presumption of, and possibility for, presuming any minimum contact, minimal contact, and the like, with any source that any person might invoke for granting any right for diminishing the inviolate supremacy and exclusive applicability of Natural Law and the Ecclesiastical Law of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY concerning me, Reverend Marie Stancer™.

    Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal   
 Notice to the Principal is Notice to the Agent

This contract also constitutes a Lawful Public Notice to all principals and agents, laterally and hierarchically in a chain of command, of all civil-law governments, such as all principals, agents, officers, officials, representatives, employees, real parties in interest, and real parties of interest of this state, of the UNITED STATES, et al, of all Vatican-based agencies, and of all Crown-based agencies worldwide that may interact in any manner with me or Overseer of SERENITY BOUND SOCIETY,  a Corporation Sole.

Signature page

Following is a scan of the actual Oath and Signature page of the above-referenced Articles which published upon this website shall serve as an International Public Notice of the Office and capacity of an Ecclesiastical Corporation Sole.

 Copyright 2011 by Serenity Bound Society
All Rights Reserved Worldwide